Episode 03: [Interview] Be the Change with Dr. Kelly Brogan

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 This week, Sinclair spoke with holistic psychiatrist and author Dr. Kelly Brogan, Md. She’ll teach you what victim consciousness is and how to identify that mentality within yourself. You’ll go right down to the roots—where the victim mindset comes from and how we can transition to a place of empowered consciousness.


Be the Change with Dr. Kelly Brogan 


Victim consciousness is alive and well, but you can break out of it. 

In this episode, Sinclair speaks with holistic psychiatrist and bestselling author Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD.

She’ll teach you what victim consciousness is and how to identify that mentality within yourself.

Dr. Brogan will take you right down to the roots—where the victim mindset comes from and how you can transition to a place of empowered consciousness.

No matter how busy or overwhelmed you are, Dr. Brogan will teach you how to easily drop your victim mentality by changing your conditioning. 

Dr. Kelly Brogan will inspire you to look at the parts of yourself that have long been ignored and move into a place of pure awareness.  

Key Ideas:

  • Discover how victim consciousness is unfolding in our society.
  • Why soothing the inner child can close long-held wounds.
  • The importance of carving out time for self-care.
  • Self-sacrifice can lead to enormous transformation. 
  • Find out how to release shame and validate yourself.
  • How identifying your victim stories can positively shift your life.
  • Conducting shadow work to confront the long-ignored parts of yourself. 
  • Learn how to stand in your truth and sovereignty once and for all.


Where to Find the Guest:




Memorable Quotes:


“Feeling right about being wronged, I always like to say, is the flag of the victim consciousness.” (7:57, Dr. Kelly)


“Choice is your superpower. It is what will liberate you from victim consciousness in one moment.” (20:03, Dr. Kelly)


“The meaning that we make, that we are conditioned to make out of our experiences, that is ultimately what is the victim experience.” (29:42 Dr. Kelly)


“No one can hurt you without your permission.” (33:45, Dr. Kelly)


“When somebody is not willing to look at something, it is because to address the trauma that stands between where they are and their fuller awareness feels like it would kill them.”  (36:15, Dr. Kelly)


“If you trust yourself to stay in allegiance to what you know you need, and make the choices accordingly, you don’t have to trust anyone else.” (46:55, Dr. Kelly)


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DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. You should always seek the advice of your physician or otherwise qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or other procedures discussed in this podcast.